Hi @KyabraBrisbane;
I think using User Overview report, you should be able to accomplish you goal, kindly follow up with this link https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2five/userguide/5.0/default.htm#K2_Management_Site/Workflow_Server/Reports/UserOverview/UserOverview.htm
You should be able to navigate to considerations using this report.
alternatively you can develop your own custom report from here https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2five/userguide/5.0/default.htm#Reports/CustomRep/SmartForms-Reporting-Controls.htm%3FTocPath%3DReport%7CCustom%2520Reports%7C_____1
NB-You should be able to find your direct answer here. https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2blackpearl/userguide/4.7/default.htm#5.Reports/Process_Portal_Reporting/PP_User_Perf_Rep.htm
Should you find the above information answered your question and/or leading you to the answer kindly mark as "Accepted Solution,Kudo and/or MeToo options".
Kind regards;
Perhaps, you can achieve this via the 'Activity Slot Data' reporting SmartObject, see belows.
Scenario: Count number of completed tasks for a specific workflow.
1. Give K2 Service account rights (process right) to the the workflow. This is a requirement because the workflow step is executed under K2 service account.
2. Capture the count via 'Activity Slot Data' SmartObject. In K2 Five (5.2), you can setup a custom filter for this.
Thanks for you reply. This approach seems to be one which is performed outside of the workflow. I am wanting to count the number of completed tasks within the workflow.
Cheers, Chris
Thanks for this detailed solution. I have applied this approach, but the count is value is always zero. I have tried filtering using the current workflow ID. I would expect the count value would be "1" but it produces a "0" result. I have removed the workflow ID so would expect to retrieve all Completed Tasks but the count result is still "0".
It seems when I use a similiar method via a form, I am able to produce the desired result. There seems to be an issue with the workflow environment when using Report SMO's.
Thanks Khanh, I had been struggling with this for months - adding admin rights for the K2 Service account may have been missing piece of the puzzle. Also be aware that the Data Value should be the user defined action and not "Task Completed"