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So I'm trying to combine worklist items with SmartObjects. To do so I'm looking at `server.WorklistHeader` table. Am I right thinking that this table contains all active and only active worklist items?


This table contains a very nice column `` that I will definately use. What I'm trying to figure out is this part of the url `SerialNo=48_80`.


48 - obviously is ProcInstID.

80 - seems to be ActInstDestID, according to column value


To find a current assignee i'm looking at  table `ServerLog.ActInstDest` where 

  • ServerLog.ActInstDest.ID = server.WorklistHeader.ActInstDestID
  • ServerLog.ActInstDest.ProcInstID = server.WorklistHeader.ProcInstID

Is this correct?

See if this helps:


SELECT wlh..Data] AS Task URL]
, pi..Folio] AS Request ID]
, ps..DisplayName] AS Process Name]
, a..DisplayName] AS Activity Name]
, e..DisplayName] AS Task Name]
, aid..User] AS Assigned To] -- Use tk..Display Name] when our accounts exist in there
, wls..Status] AS Task Status] -- 1 = open, 0 = allocated or available
,] AS ProcInstID]
FROM K2]..Server]..WorklistHeader] wlh WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN K2]..Server]..WorklistSlot] wls WITH (NOLOCK) ON wls.ActInstID = wlh.ActInstID AND wls.EventInstID = wlh.EventInstID AND wls.ProcInstID = wlh.ProcInstID
JOIN K2]..Server]..ProcInst] pi WITH (NOLOCK) ON pi.ID = wlh.ProcInstID
JOIN K2]..Server]..Proc] p WITH (NOLOCK) ON p.ID = pi.ProcID
JOIN K2]..Server]..ProcSet] ps WITH (NOLOCK) ON ps.ID = p.ProcSetID
JOIN K2]..Server]..Act] a WITH (NOLOCK) ON a.ID = wlh.ActID
JOIN K2]..Server]..Event] e WITH (NOLOCK) ON e.ID = wlh.EventID
JOIN K2]..ServerLog]..ActInst] ai WITH (NOLOCK) ON ai.ID = wlh.ActInstID AND ai.ProcInstID = wlh.ProcInstID
JOIN K2]..ServerLog]..ActInstDest] aid WITH (NOLOCK) ON aid.ID = wlh.ActInstDestID AND aid.ProcInstID = wlh.ProcInstID AND aid.ActInstID = wlh.ActInstID
