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I have an editable list and occasionally users enter a record, and i occasionally get duplicate records saved, even though the PDF clearly shows that there was only one record on the screen upon submission.


Users can edit, delete, add records to the editable list as they please, but I'm wondering if it's this rule which runs when the user click submit:




I've tested many times and it works ok as intended, but for the odd user its duplicating what they submit.

Should the create, save and delete run as a Batch?


Any ideas?

Good day Sharharp1;


Yes you could try to change the rule methods to  "then one after another" method and test it if it works furthermore you can use a text box to validate whether the record already exists on your DB to prevent duplicate entries to be captured by the user. 

Referencing (1):

Referencing (2):


Kind regards,



Hi Sharpharp1


1. Create a data lable and a text box for ID (In my case is ID Number)


2. On the "data label" but the rule below

3. Click first configure> check ID Number Text Box


4. Second configure> show massage


5. On an item view click ID Number text box and go to rules

6. Click configure and navigate to FILTER> put ID Number for the Field = ID Number Text Box


7. On OUTPUT MAPPINGS Map the ID Number from smartobject to Data label




