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Just updated a workflow using K2 Studio - the workflow was created in K2 4.7 originally, but will not deploy now that we are on K2 v5.3


Getting this error when deploying:

1 Error(s)
(MyWorkflow) SmartObject Server Exception: Service could not be extended. Service Guid 'ef7310e5-b14f-464d-b0f3-a37d6c367620' Service Object 'MyWorkflow Process Process Instances'. SmartObject: :MyWokrflow Process Process Instances]


Lost count of the number of bugs in K2 5.3 post upgrade, is this another one?

How do I deploy this workflow?


Thanks in advance

Hi Sharpharp1,


Does this workflow use workflow reporting SmartObjects? If so, I would suggest turning these off by unchecking the "Create Workflow Reporting SmartObjects" checkbox on the workflow process associations, then attempt to redeploy once more.



Hi Sharpharp1,


Just to add to emilyc's response, I have attached a screenshot of where to find this checkbox in your K2 Studio workflow.  You'll have to create a new package as well after checking the box.


Hope this helps!

What exactly are the "Workflow Reporting SmartObjects" used for?


Are they the inbuilt ones you get when processes are started and you can View workflows and troubleshoot them etc?

If so, then yes i would need them.

Hi Sharpharp1,


Legacy workflow reporting smartobjects are not supported in K2 Five due to changes in architecture.  You can read about the old Workflow Reporting SmartObjects here:


The intention is to have customers migrate toward using the new Reporting SmartObjects, referenced here:




