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Tab navigation goto Top

  • 31 January 2017
  • 2 replies


We have a few tabs on a form and the forms have a couple views each, like the example solution attached.


We have next button's at the bottom of each tab that helps with the navigation between tabs.


The problem is when it navigates to the second tab it stays at the bottom of the page.

Does anybody have any ideas in K2 4.6.11 I I would be able to specific it to go to the top of tab 2 without refreshing the page (so ideally via a rule)?




2 replies

Badge +2

You can call control's Focus method for first top control on a view of the tab.

Badge +3

I have a form with 1 visible tab and 1 hidden tab.

Depending on a condition on my save the hidden tab appears but always directs visitors down to the bottom of the views (there are 4 views on the hidden tab)


I tried doing a focus on one of the very top views and a control but it's not working.


