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I developed a K2 Smartform/Views solution which is using Smart Object created in SharePoint 2010 version. I dont have development or test envrionment and I have production only  copy of this solution.


After SharePoint upgrade to 2013 I could not figure out how to connect my exisiting solution to new SP 2013 list Smart object as updating smart object in views was breaking functionality.  I created new Smart Objects based out of SP 2013 list and updated methods of 2010 Smart Objects to point to SP 2013 service. So technically my Smart Objects are still based out of SP 2010 but interacting with SP 2013 because I tweaked methods to connect to 2013 service. Admin team did not removed SP 2010 web application yet but eventually they have to. 


My question is - Will removing SharePoint 2010 will automatically break my SP 2010 based Smart Objects even though they are consuming 2013 services?


Any suggestion how can I connect my views to 2013 smart object without breaking functionality would be highly appreciated.





Good day NK16,

There are some things you can check and confirm in the interim, namely:
1. Have you registered the K2 Blackpearl app for the site collections which you want to use in the application?
a. Can you generate the smartobjects for these lists/libraries and confirm that you are able to read/write data? This you would want to use to confirm that the security and permissions have been setup correctly
2. Are the lists and libraries identical between the 2010 and 2013 environments?
3. Is the 2013 environment on-prem or in the cloud?

Once you have confirmed all the above, it should be as simple as modifying the service method bindings of the existing smartobjects. This should not affect the functionality and rules as the GUID of the smart objects and the property names should not change.


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Accepted solution, kudo and/me too

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Thank you and kind regards,


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