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This tool does not expose the Service Instrance Guid.


How are you to create a Service Instance on a higer environment so it will have the same GUID as the lower envrionment?

Package and Deploy is not dealing with Service Instances anymore.




Hi jpbelnap,


In my test, same service instance guid shouldn't really matter. For example, I register a new web-endpoint service on target environment via Management site. When I deploy a package to this target environment, it's able to pick up the existing service instance as long as the name matches between source and target. Is there a reason why you want to use the same service instance guid? Outside of Management site, the other option is to manually register the service instance with SmartObject Service Tester tool. Personally, I wouldn't recommend this option.




For 14 years, havng the GUID the same across all environments was vital.

WOuld you technically confirm, that ht eP&D tool is now actually forcing the SmartObjects and Service Object XML to point to a chaged "PARENT GUID" on the fly when they are deployed?


