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Hardware requirements for a smooth running

Hi everyone,

can you please help me what hardware specification I require if I want to host 150 forms and 100 workflows associated with it. No of users that will connect is around 100. Please reply or let me know from which way I can estimate it with the help of data. 


Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to determine a hardware specification since each form, workflow and smartobject interaction will place a different load on your servers. The best bet is to follow the hardware requirements specification (as a bare minimum) as per the K2 Five installation guide (Nintex K2 Five Installation). and implement K2 in a high-load, high availability topology as detailed in the sample topologies section of the same guide. You can then easily scale up and out as your requirements and load grows.

Thanks for the reply. As i am totally new and is in process of recommendation to a new client so,
In the sample topology, I can find from where I can start in term of CPU, RAM and others.
Can you please take reference of your organization hardware specification and based on that please recommend.

As I posted, it’s impossible to specify a hardware specification that is guaranteed to deliver the performance requirements you need. All I can suggest is:


  • Implement a topology like a Farm/NLB configuration for your production environment, with the minimum of a 2 K2 server configuration. The SQL Server can share physical resources with other SQL databases or SQL Server Instances on the same SQL server, or be located on a dedicated SQL server/instance, or be located on an Azure SQL DB.

    • K2 recommends that SQL administrators track performance of the SQL server and address performance issues through standard Microsoft SQL Server scaling approaches.

  • Start with a CPU and Memory sizing of the servers that is larger than the minimum requirement specified in the installation guide

  • Follow the recommended guidance of installing the k2 websites and web services on the same physical machine as the K2 application server components

  • Design your solutions to performance considerations in mind. Here are some articles that may help: Performance Considerations - SmartForms - Nintex Community and Performance Considerations - K2 Server Hardware an... - Nintex Community

  • Monitor the solution and if you see there are performance issues, add addition servers to the NLB and/or add additional memory or CPU resources to the servers.

As others have said, there is no hard and fast rule for determining hardware requirements as it would vary based on just how complex your forms/workflows/integrations are. In general, I've found the K2 server to be fairly efficient since much of the work of processing a form is offloaded to client machine. Looking at some production servers we have in place today I see some getting by with just 8GB of RAM and 4 cores at 2.4 GHz. That should be your minimum starting point, though I would say 16GB of RAM would give you headroom for growth.
