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Hi, I am looking for documentation on how to route/assign tasks to individuals and groups back and forth. Including orphan tasks - tasks that were created but currently have no owners. Does anyone have any experience with these types of situations here?



Hi Bjbier


The link has been attached below for role assignments:


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Good day bjbier


There is a very easy way to do this. See the steps in the spoiler.

1. Open up your Management.
2. Go to Workflow Server and expand Workflows.
3. Locate the folder and workflow inside the folder that started the task.
4. Click on the workflow and then click on the "Task List" tab.
5. Click on the task in question and click on the Redirect button.
6. You can just enter the email of the employee to receive the task and the task should be routed to the entered employee.

See the K2 Five user guide by clicking on this link or find the documentation below that describes the functionality. Note that the link contains a K2 Five version (5.2 in this case), you may just change the version in the URL to match the version of your environment.


Hope this helps. If this post answered your question please remember to mark it as a Solution or Kudo. This will show other users with the same question that this post indeed contains viable information. Thank you.

Best Regards

Hi  @bjbier;


Could please drill into this scenario and prio that(,  custom voting rule can take care of ophaned tasks.


Should you find the above content answered your question or leading you to the answer kindly mark such as "Kudo and/or Solution", to help other community members encountering similar issues.




