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Is there any way to create Custom List using SmartForms rules without using Workflow.


 All of your action rules will be listed within the form. I do not know an out of the box way to create a new list without using a workflow. Creating a list is basically creating a smartobject. If  K2 is creating a list in SharePoint and the process is consuming that said list then K2 is creating a smartobject from the said SharePoint list. The problem I could see arising from this is how many smartobjects could be tied to the process in the future and which list would it use? Are you looking to simply create a shortcut to building lists in SharePoint? Something like a button is clicked within the form and a list is created or do you have a process that requires each entry be in its own table?


Generally we will filter a list by ID. For each list I create a column called PID. This column creates an ID for the entry and it also records the ID from the main entry. Later when calling the list method I call only items in the list where the PID matches the ID from the main table.


I hope this helps. I think if we understood exactly what you are trying to do we could provide more input.



Bryan Peters

Thank You BryanPeter,


My requirement is to create a SharePoint list using list Template which is already have been saved.Through workflow: While I'm trying to create a list using this template it takes custom list template not which we saved(i.e. it will create a new list with title column alone). This is why I asked any options to create a list using rule because I can't achieve this using rule.


Refer this:


Please let me know if need more info.


Thank You... :)
