Hi my Alliances teasm at K2 has built a very full features Yammer broker. We havent yet published this on K2 Community, but could probably make this available to you in the interim. Can you send me direct email at dave@k2.com
Was this ever official realeased?
Yammer is not currently supported by K2 out-of-the-box, but there are plans to make it available in the future. If you have access to the APIs for Yammer, you could create your own custom service instance for interacting with Yammer, but it would have to be custom code.
Links to K2 documentation on Custom Service Broker:
K2 5.1: http://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2five/devref/5.1/default.htm#extend/smo/custom-service-brokers.htm
K2 4.7: https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2blackpearl/devref/4.7/Content/Custom_Service_Brokers.htm
I know that some of our users have created their own service broker for Yammer and they may be able to share what they have already done. You also have the option of using the K2 Remote Services resource. They can help you set up a custom broker that meets your desired functionality.