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I have a scenario. Task are generated and a notification email is sent to IT Support (Role). The 1st person in IT who click the worklist link in the email will open the task. Well.. he/she thinks that that is not related to him/her. She closes the window. Now that worklist task is not available to others. That 1st IT personnel have to go and release task. Is there a way we can get rid of this process so that everybody can see worklist task until the task is completed.

Please Help!!

Hi Pcorearusa,


You should be able to solve this by unchecking the box for "Allocate worklist item on Open" in your User Task in your workflow:




Once that is done you can redeploy the workflow and the issue should be resolved.  Please let me know if this helps.





i wish i can give you 100 Kudos



and where is the option in the K2-Studio Designer?

In a Default Client Event theris not option to do this ...?



1.   Which form technology are you using with the Default Client Event?


a.  If SmartForms, you will likely be calling the "open a worklist item" rule in which this allocate option is available to be configured:



b.  If a custom form (HTML, ASP, etc.), you will likely be calling the 'openworklistitem()' method via a webservice or API, in which it will also accept this "Alloc" boolean:


public WorklistItem OpenWorklistItem( 
string SerialNumber,
string Platform,
bool Alloc,
bool IgnoreStatus,
string ManagedUser,
string SharedUser

