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I have created a simple workflow in the K2 designer with a manager either approving or delining a request. However the process owner would like the option of one of two managers being able to either reject of approve the request. So whoever picks up the request can approve / reject it and the other manager cannot repeat the approval / reject action.


I have seen this in K2 Studio but can it be done in a workflow created in the K2 designer  


On K2 Designer, the number of participants assigned to a task would be equal to the number of slots. You are unable to set this on the thin-client designer. If you have more than one user set as approvers but would only need one of  them to action on the task, you would need to create this workflow on K2 Studio or K2 for Visual Studio.

@AndyR1 Where do you configure that in K2 Studio? To me it sounds like you're talking about the Outcome Suceeding Rule configuration in K2 Studio. 
