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Hi All,


I'm wondering if any have experienced the same problem, and found a solution.  We use List SmartObjects to write to SharePoint lists.  We use two URL columns.  One to open the original smart form and load the date from the list.  One to open the ViewFlow link.  When using the Create method from within the smartform rules, there is no way to utilize the additional field "Display"..  What we then end up having to do, is to make a separte call to the SharePoint list in the WorkFlow, calling the List Events activity, which then provides with two options, the URL and the Display.  Even in the SmartObject tester, there is an "Add" button next the the URL fileds, in which we can add the URL and Display.


Is there a way to access the Display option from SmartForm Rules.   We are using 4.7







The SharePoint Hyperlink text stores in the style of '[url], [Description]'. Maybe you can set it in this format ', Google', this will display as "Google".
