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Yes, we all know K2 Forms is being used for much more than originally designed... and seems like everybody want to find the magic tool to enforce and automagically do the work to keep everybody on track.


Some departments like to have the purchase agreements and like to go back and forward, using K2 + Word Broker looks like the perfect fit, considering that K2 PDF Broker does not let you use templates, put header/footer and keep control over the layout. so is time to expand our horizons and look for more alternatives.


Word Broker from Mustafa has been around for a while, like is simple and works... not sure about the SQL storage still having some issues to work out... in order to render the file back to the user in the browser.


Another Broker in town is the Word Document Generator Service Broker from Link Solutions. this seems to be very easy and flexible, like the ability to have until 200 templates and render data from an array using the XML functions from MS-Word and this means your template can be setup the way you want it.


Currently went trought the installation process, was able to generate a sample Word document, like the feature/ability to setup my own folder and not default to C: Drive... I'm not very thrilled with the need to expose that folder over the internet instead of store it into a File SMO and then return and render as needed. but will provide some feedback and since is early on the game maybe they will patch and have a more polished release.


I guess the main issue is that is not clear how to setup the SMO to store the created filed and returned, not sure if is using SmartBox or neeed to be some specific filename to receive the attachment and return the ID... trying to get some feedback from Link Solutions regarding this setup.


Perhaps K2 will consider to expand their brokers to include XLS, Word and PPT, enhance the PDF and become the killer No Code Application in the market !!!.


System.NotSupportedException: K2 Package and Deployment does not support this version of the package. Update the solution file and redeploy.Server stack trace:    at SourceCode.ComponentModel.Serialization.XmlDeserializer.ReadXmlAttributes(ModelItemBase item)   at SourceCode.ComponentModel.Serialization.XmlDeserializer.ReadXmlAttributes(TypedItemBase item)   at SourceCode.ComponentModel.Serialization.XmlDeserializer.ReadXmlAttributes(Model item)   at SourceCode.ComponentModel.Serialization.XmlDeserializer.Read(Model item)   at SourceCode.ComponentModel.Model.Load(Stream packageStream, IServiceProvider provider, ModelLoadOptions options)   at SourceCode.Deployment.Management.ClientSession.Load(Stream packageStream, Object state)   at SourceCode.Management.Controls.DeploySelectPackage.BeginUpload()   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object ] args, Object server, Objectv]& outArgs)   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink)Exception rethrown at e0]:    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.EndInvokeHelper(Message reqMsg, Boolean bProxyCase)   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RemotingProxy.Invoke(Object NotUsed, MessageData& msgData)   at System.Func`1.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result)   at SourceCode.Management.Controls.DeploySelectPackage.EndUpload(IAsyncResult ar)




Happy K2 NoCoding ;-)





I came across the same issue and  after  a bit of research, i found  this Kb.


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