Dear ,
do u use "apply changes to the editable list" after ur 3rd step ?
cuz after transfering the data u need that rule to apply the changes uve done in ur subview.
Hope it helps!
Thank you Ahmed, your suggestion helped me achieved a solution.
1. Edit selected row rule
2. Transfer Data rule
3. Apply changes to row rule.
Just to continue this discussion. Fields that aren't present on the list, are not being persisted. I can see List fields get updated, but I'm not sure the smart object containing hidden fields are being updated.
Is there a limitation?
Good day Capz
By the looks of what you have explained it seems that you have list view on a form, through some action a item view is opened as a subview and the requirement is to pass data from this items view (subview) back to the form - into the list view. If my understanding above is correct then the following would be the steps required to pass the data from the subview (item view) to the list view located in the form as a new row.
Please see the below recommendation.
*Note: The rule construction would need to be placed on form level to ensure that the scope is visible to the form, list view and subview.
Edit the form containing the list view and navigate to the Rules
Step 2:
Add a new rule and configure an action from the subviews perpective on form level by using the "When a control on a subview raises an event" rule. I.E: On Test Data Item - (When Button is Clicked) subview, when Button is Clicked.
Step 3:
Now that the action event is configured you need to add the "Add a new row to the editable list" to the rule created in Step 3. I.E: then add a new row to the FormChecklist Table Editable List View01 View
Step 4:
Add a "Transfer Data" rule and configure it to transfer the relevant data from the subview to the list views addedit section. See image for reference.
Step 5:
Add the "Apply the changes made to the row on a editable list View" to the rule created in step 3. I.E: then apply the changes made to the row on the FormChecklist Table Editable List View01 editable list
Example of Rule construction:
Step 6 (Optional):
Add a "Close a subview or subform" rule at the end if you need the subview to close afterwards
Step 7: Save, finish and run the view.
When the form is run, you can preform the action that would display your subview and then from the subviews preformed action specified in the rules above, the required data will be taken and passed into a new row on the list view which is located in the Form.
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Kind Regards