Hi kolate
It seems as you have the same dll saved in two locations in your respositotory, After the assembly is coded and build , you be copied more than one FileService .dll file to each of the physical servers in your environmemt "Normally, each service Broker .dll would only have one associated service Type entry"
firstly check with your build configuration: It might turns out that you're using wrong build configurations, It's typically defaulted to a "release builld", change it to "dev build" include all your k2 projects.
secondly : Edit the workspace in your build definition, Add a reference to the folder containing dll's and change from "active" to "cloaked" that will stop TFS(https://help.k2.com/support-services/kbt118931) to getting that folder during build.
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Good morning K2 developer
I investigated further looked into alternatives solutions,
In ammendment of the above scenario i'd recomment you to refference your .dll file directly within the k2 for gac and or perform the sysinternals utilities.
Kindly follow up with this link to start up with process. https://community.k2.com/t5/K2-Blackpearl-Forum-Posts/How-to-apply-SourceCode-dll-in-GAC/td-p/102572
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