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Can't seem to get this to work, should be simple to do.


On a List view, got two columns: name and date.


By default everything is listed, but i want users to be able to select (not create one themselves) from the Quick menu Selected Filter which removes records with contain a date.


I created the filter in Design View, but it actually applies the filter when the form runs.

I just want the Filter i created to appear in the Selected Filter menu for the user to select.


Why isn't it working?


P.S. I want to keep this clean, without using text boxes, check boxes etc to set the filter....


Hi Sharpharp1,


We are probably looking at two different types of filter setup, see link. I'm not sure if there is a simple way to get around it. Like you said, there are ways to workaround this such as creating a dropdown or textbox to mimic the filter behavior. To add this feature, please log an idea for engineering team at so they can add it to feature of the product. 


1. Global filter - I believe this is applying directly at runtime.

2. User filter - The filter is created by user and it's only valid for that user.



I added a checkbox filter above the list view as a workaround.

Its a shame, that the system designer can't pre-populate filters, that would make the list view much more user friendly.

Only a small number of users would likely create their own filters, the majority would like pre-populated filters to select themselves.
Will log an idea, but it'll never happen. K2 will only include what they see fit in reality.

