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Hi All,

I'm looking for a way to schedule workflow to execute on a recurring basis. I want to write a custom event that will use the K2 API to kick the work flow. I want to  use the ScheduleAuthoring API to schedule this workflow.

I'm really looking to write my own using APIs.



Asad Naeem

If you are using K2 4.7 you can use the new management tool to schedule processes. I assume this is also true of K2 5 as the new management tool was created for it to replace workspace but in 4.7 you have both.


If you are still using Sharepoint 2010 there is a web part that allows scheduling.


However if you are running K2 on a version prior to 4.7 and Sharepoint 2013 you can call a process from the window AT scheduler using poweshell using a script like this.


Add-Type -AssemblyName (‘SourceCode.Workflow.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=16a2c5aaaa1b130d’)

$conn = New-Object -TypeName SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection


$pi = $conn.CreateProcessInstance(“PROCESSNAME“)




The at shceduler call is

Start a program- Powershell

Add arguments (your PS1 file) - e:callworkflow.ps1


I hope on of the will help you

I think an API will be great.


However I post a while back a Post that explain how to use the Windows Scheduler and securely schedule Loops and Workflows in BlackPearl for reminders and notifications.


Hope this helps =)
