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Hi All,


When i am trying to open smartobject event of a Process in K2 Studio/ visual studio i am getting below error. 





at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableObject.HandlePropertyChange(String name, T& localmember, T value, Boolean isReference, Boolean raiseBegin, Boolean raiseEnd)
at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableObject.OnNotifyPropertyChanged(String name, T& localmember, T value, Boolean isReference)
at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableObject.OnNotifyPropertyChanged(String name, T& localmember, T value)
at SourceCode.Workflow.Authoring.Event.set_WizardDefinition(WizardDefinition value)
at SourceCode.Workflow.Wizards.SmartObjects.SmartObjectEventWizard.InitializeWizard(WizardInitializeArgs e)
at SourceCode.Workflow.VisualDesigners.ProcessDesigner.RunWizard(IPropertyWizardi] wizardsToRun, Objectb] wizardsInitializeArguments, IK2Objectb] parents, Boolean delayedRun, Point dropPoint, Boolean mustCanConfigureInstance, Boolean showPropertiesOnNoGUI)


can someone help me to resolve above issue.






Good day H_M,


The same error (Item is already contained in another Persistable Object) was presented while configuring a Records Management event in a K2 Designer to create a record from a SharePoint Document.


According to this KB article this error was corrected by applying HotFix.  


Another KB with a closely related issue also points out that an error of this nature or similar can be corrected by applying HotFix.


When searching further, I also found the following blog which recommends “Cleaning the K2 project” to resolve an error of this nature.


I hope the above shared information is worth a value of a resolution or will assist by providing a direction on resolving this issue.


Best regards,

