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Currently within our SP environment we have a script that runs whenever a site is created within our farm. Within each SP Site, a security feature has been added via script as well that outlines all user permissions.


Subsequent of this , we conduct quarterly audits of all of the security groups throughout all sites collections within SharePoint to ensure that all users that should have access , have it, and those that should be removed can be.  This process has some  SharePoint Designer workflow behind it presently, but much of the process is still done manually. We'd like to create a workflow via K2 throughout our environment for all sites that can be ran that would allow the site owners to access a link to security page created that lists all user permissions, and workflow would be set to alert necessary parties if access needs to be changed etc. Is there a way to create a master workflow that can be applied to all SP sites, or would we have to create wf, save as template and apply the workflow to each SP site individually?


Not sure if this is possible but thought I'd ask before committing to deploying this solution to all sites manually. 


Hi Lauren,


How many sites are we talking about?

You can look into creating the workflow on one site, then package the workflow and deploying it on all other sites, but if you have hundereds or thousands of sites, then this might not be viable.



Hi Jean,


Thanks for the response. Yeah, I figured as much. We have hundreds of sites. 

You could create a workflow that iterates through all the sites on your collection and assigns tasks to the owners to go an update the securities?

We could apply some logic there to attempt to determine if the permissions are correct.

Hi Steve,


That sounds promising. Would you mind expounding on this a bit more? Would you happen to have an example of the logic used to accomplish this? 
