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Hello all,

Seem to have come across a small irratant with the lookup tool, it is setup in the following way.


  1. Tool is linked to smartobject for a SQL View with cache the data selected
  2. Rule setup on View intialize to load the lookup list control cache with data (no filtering/configuration applied)
  3. Rule setup with Lookup tool is resolving to aynchronously populate the lookup list control with cached data


I seem to be experiencing the follow issue: the first page of the list view is blank but if you select the next page all the data will appear and if you go back to first page the data will appear.


Has anyone ever experienced this and found a way round it?




Hi Martin


I see this is an old post, but this sounds like something the K2 Support Team will need to investigate. I would suggest logging a Support Ticket.


Adding some screenshots of how things are configured and the actual issue will help them investigate this easier.


If this was investigated, mind sharing more info.



