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I have an application that takes in milage and travel expenses. I need this information to go to the manager who approves it. Though I am struggling to get the information to populate how I would like. 


The form is built from an editable list view. They click the add button to add a date, location, mileage and so on, and they can add multiple rows. Since it is saving multiple rows of information, when it appears in the workflow email using the references, it looks like so:


Dear Cxxxx J Cxxxx,

K2:xxxxxccraigK2:xxxxxccraig has submitted new mileage and traveling expenses, please approve or deny the expenses.

20*personal details removed*  (this should be 2 separate dates)
abcdef (this should be 2 separate starting locations, abc and def for testing purposes)

Use the following link to open the worklist item.... (And so on)


It is just running all the info from each line of the smart object together. Not separtating them. 

My other solution, would be to create another list view, non editable. The list view form would display the information submitted, and that would serve as my task form with an "approve" action. Only problem there, is that when it executes "get list" it loads everything ever submitted to that smart object, not just what was submitted that instance only. 


Is there a way to call the "get list" to only show what was just submitted for that instance? Or,

Is there a way for me to separate the submitted information in the email?


Where is the form data being stored, and how are you reading it back into the workflow for your notification? If this is SQL data, I would recommend writing a stored procedure or web service that puts the body of your notification into HTML. Use that as the body of your notification when building it in the workflow and you will have a high-level of control over how it looks



Perhaps, you can use Join inline function to seperate it (i.e. K2:xxxxxccraig;K2:xxxxxccraig)


Hi ccraig,


To work around the fist part:


K2:xxxxxccraigK2:xxxxxccraig has submitted new mileage and traveling expenses, please approve or deny the expenses.


I would perhaps stay away from using a SmartObject list in the Notification part and rather use the “Originator” field, or pass the user to a Datafield and use it that way.


For the second part:


20*personal details removed*  (this should be 2 separate dates)
abcdef (this should be 2 separate starting locations, abc and def for testing purposes)


Can you perhaps share how you are using this in the notification section? Are you just adding the field to the notification body as a list method and returning all the data?


