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I am trying to integrate Azure B2C Authentication with K2 4.7. Everywhere instructions are given for Azure AD integration only & that is not working with Azure B2C. Please let me know step by step if anyone knows or have done such integration.



Hi Mkumar


As far as I understand Azure B2C Configuration is not yet supported on K2 Product yet


Details below


  • Azure B2B - this allows one AAD identity to be invited to another AAD tenant as a guest to partake in collaboration or other workloads.


Common scenarios here are when an organization wants to invite partners or sister organizations into a workload (i.e. - collaboration) and those identities would be created within the organization's AAD; however, authentication is still handled by the source (i.e. - partner or sister organization) AAD tenant.


Details about support for K2 Cloud + Azure B2B are available in this public KB:


  • Azure B2C - this allows external users with social logins (i.e. - Facebook, Google, etc.) to be invited into scenarios where they can be authorized via AAD but authenticated via the social provider.

NOTE: This creates a wholly separate AAD tenant within a customer's primary Azure subscription and a customer would not be able to use both primary AAD and Azure B2C AAD concurrently. Currently, K2 Cloud does not support Azure B2C configurations.


Hope this helps you out




Thanks for your sugession. I tried this but it's not working, probably there are some changes in steps. There is some issue with our service agreement with K2. I am waiting for service agareement issue fix, so that I can ask for direct help. If any sugession to achieve this please let me know.
