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I had an application in one databse, I wanted to re-create the applciation in another database so scripted all tables and stored procedures and created these in the new database.


The primary reason for this was to get the stored procedure which creates a custom number xxxyyyynnnn.


In the initial application when I add the method to my SmartObject it all works OK, the stored procedure shows as a list item and has the return value I need.

In the new database the stored procedure only has an execute method which does not return any values.


I know it is difficult but any ideas?



There are a few reasons that you are only seeing the execute method:


- have you reviewed the following documentation to ensure the store procedure was created correctly? ( details on this behavior can be found in see the pdf link on the right side of the KB article)


- ensure the service account as the proper permissions in the DB for the account running the SQL service instance.



Thanks Ted,


I have had a look atthe doucment but it goes WAY over my head.


The bit I cannot understand is the exact same stored proc (the second scripted from the first) is being used on the same SQL server in different databases and getting different methods.


I was on the phone with K2 consultants today and we checked the DB permissions, there was nothing obviously different between the two. 



Turns out it was as simple as a typo when changing the schema name before creating the stored procedure.
