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How do I get AD users by group name. I want to display users only from a particular AD security group in the picker contraol. What I'm trying is:

- Create a smart object from AD User object and with the method GetUsersByGroup

- Set the parameter to the security group name (Example: Finance)

- Use this Smart Object in the as Data source in the Picker control


But where and how do you assign the group mame in the smart object? Can you please give me step by step instrutions to set the value of the AD group

I already answered this in your other thread.

Thank you very much for your quick reply. I found and configured the rule and assigned the value for the parameter "GroupName". But still I'm getting the error "SmartObject property ID is a required property for selected method Read. Value must be set."

That doesn't sound related to this.  "GetUsersByGroup" is a list method.  You have a read method somewhere that is missing a required input parameter of ID.

OK. I'll further look into this. I'm new to K2 and trying to modify on already existing views. Thanks for your feed back though.
