Hi All,
With the incoming EU General Data Protection Regulations coming in to force as of May 2018 we're looking at what this entails for our K2 applications especially when considering the "right to be forgotten". (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation)
Most of our application data we're in full control of however when a user interacts with K2 a cached identity is created (I think this is the correct terminology) and stored in the table aK2].[Identity].iIdentity]. As we use the user's email address as their identity when interacting with our systems, we're tasked with scrubbing this from the database as it's personally identifiable information.
Can anyone advise on what the right process for doing this is?
One particular scenario is that the user, whilst interacting a Smartmorm, may request their account deletion. We had considered doing this in immediately in real-time (logical deletion of app data and masking of personal information before confirming and logging the user out) however I'm not sure on the impact/user experience if we update the identity table at this point too.
If anyone has looked into this scenario before it would be great to hear how you tackled it or any words of advice or equally caution.