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When a record is saved in an Editable List, the record is saved but was adding a new row automatically. (list view with edit multiple rows)


I use a Rule which says "Cancel the changes made to the row on the editable list" to cancel out this new row, but now the row is not selected.

But then my problem is that if the user clicks save again, my validation rules say the fields are empty (because no row is selected)


How can i use rules to select the last row after my "cancel the changes action" in an editable list?


Is it possible with jquery to select a row?



Here is some anecdotal experience that may be relevant. I've been working on an editable grid the last few days. I had a situation where, if a user was editing a row and clicked another row, that row would be saved but I would get a second attempt to also save the row they clicked on. I have no idea why but the culprit turned out to be a "For selected rows" loop. When I stopped calling the loop it only attempted to save the edited row.


If you upgrade to the lastest 4.16060.2000.3 they have sample apps. There is an Edit IT Checklist view that does grid editing and validation very nicely.


I have not read anywhere of a way to programatically click a row. I don't think the row click is your solution, step through your form and find what is triggereing the second edit.



Thanks for your reply,


The issue is when a SAVE is done, no rows are selected afterwards, so my submit button fails..

I need something, perhaps jquery to select a row after a SAVE is done

I don't understand the statement "when a SAVE is done, no rows are selected afterwards".


In my list view I double click a row to edit it (which also selects the row), when I click Save or hit Enter the row is saved but it's still selected.


BTW the Save button in the edit row is a great idea, something I posted about a couple of days ago.


I had to create a column for the button (I can't put two buttons in a column can I?), I'd like to hide it until Edit mode but the user can press Esc to exit edit mode, I'd have no knowledge of that event and wouldn't hide the column.

Hi Nigel,


So what happens is this. In my rules, as soon as the CREATE/REMOVE/SAVE rule is ran, it automatically adds a new row.

When that new row is added, my validation rules say the row is empty (and rightfully so).


So i added a line in the CREATE/REMOVE/SAVE rule at the very end which says "CANCEL the Row".... So now its cancelled, there is no SELECTED Row.


Because my validation rule looks to check that all Edit row columns are NOT empty, it fails, because no row is selected in order for the Validation to work.


If a row was selected, the Validation would work. I am using a SAVE button in the row column, but this does not help in my situation.


There has got to be some javascript that i can use to highlight the row

I assume the new row is to allow a user to continue adding data. I would not create a new row in rules (which for some reason get validated) but if you're going to do javascript, click the Add New Row button (iassuming you have one). That will be easier than trying to emulate a row click.

Hi Nigel,


If you don't create a new ROW and just Save, the saved row is left unselected.


So when a user clicks submit, the validation rules think the Add/Edit row is empty and fails.


If a row is selected, the validation rules runs.... That's the reason for asking, just need that to be selected
