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Anyone able to help with this...


I have a view on a Form with a Data Label on it as follows:




This Data label is using an expression as follows:


<div id="makemeblink"><font face="arial"><font size="3"> Please wait, generating PDF... </font></div> <script> function blinkMe(divToBlink){ if (document.getElementById("makemeblink").style.color == "black"){ document.getElementById("makemeblink").style.color="white"; }else{ document.getElementById("makemeblink").style.color="black"; } } window.setInterval("blinkMe('makemeblink')",1500); </script>


Hi Sharpharp1,


The gap seems to be in the Data Label not the script, you can change the height of the Data label using the following 


$("[name='Data Label']").css({'height':'15px'});

The flashing looks good on my side.
