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I'm sorting out some guidance on using the File attachment control on a form for our users.


I know the default file size is 16MB, but what are the default allowed Filetypes (i.e. .DOC, DOCX etc?


There is a blacklist on the website, but i can't find a list of the default filetypes which are ALLOWED to be uploaded


Any point me in the direction of where this is mentioned?





everything you need to know about the file attachments is included in this doc:


Hope it help.



Thabiso Ngobese


K2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member.

Already looked there, it's pretty vague:


"The File Attachment control does not allow uploading of certain types of files, including but not limited to:"


That just says the ones that are definitely excluded, but is there a regular default list of allowed ones?

Good day,


As thabiso metion the document he provided gives details on File attachment reference.


I do not think what files types are allowed is documented  please below screen shot for reference

See below link to blacklist

Please below extra detail:

 The File Attachment control does not allow uploading of certain types of files, including but not limited to:

  • ExtensionDescription
    adeAccess Project Extension (Microsoft)
    adpAccess Project (Microsoft)
    appExecutable Application
    asaASP declarations file
    ashxASP.NET Web handler file. Web handlers are software modules that handle raw HTTP requests received by ASP.NET.
    asmxASP.NET Web Services source file
    aspActive Server Page
    basBASIC Source Code
    batBatch Processing
    cdxCompound index
    cerInternet Security Certificate File
    chmCompiled HTML Help
    classJava class file
    cmdDOS CP/M Command File, Command File for Windows NT
    cntHelp Contents file
    configConfiguration file
    cplWindows Control Panel Extension (Microsoft)
    crtCertificate File
    csC# code file
    cshcsh Script
    derDER Encoded X509 Certificate File
    dllWindows dynamic-link library
    exeExecutable File
    fxpFoxPro Compiled Source (Microsoft)
    gadgetWindows Vista gadget
    grpSmarterMail group file
    hlpWindows Help File
    hpjHelp project file
    htaHypertext Application
    htrScript file
    htwHTML document
    idaInternet Information Services file
    idcInternet database connector file
    idqInternet data query file
    infInformation or Setup File
    insIIS Internet Communications Settings (Microsoft)
    ispIIS Internet Service Provider Settings (Microsoft)
    itsInternet Document Set, Internet Translation
    jarJava Archive
    javascriptJavaScript Source Code
    jscriptJavaScript Source Code
    jsJavaScript Source Code
    jseJScript Encoded Script File
    jsonJavaScript Object Notation file
    kshUNIX Shell Script
    libWindows static-link library
    lnkWindows Shortcut File
    madAccess Module Shortcut (Microsoft)
    mafAccess (Microsoft)
    magAccess Diagram Shortcut (Microsoft)
    mamAccess Macro Shortcut (Microsoft)
    maqAccess Query Shortcut (Microsoft)
    marAccess Report Shortcut (Microsoft)
    masAccess Stored Procedures (Microsoft)
    matAccess Table Shortcut (Microsoft)
    mauMedia Attachment Unit
    mavAccess View Shortcut (Microsoft)
    mawAccess Data Access Page (Microsoft)
    mcfMultimedia Container Format
    mdaAccess Add-in (Microsoft), MDA Access 2 Workgroup (Microsoft)
    mdbAccess Application (Microsoft), MDB Access Database (Microsoft)
    mdeAccess MDE Database File (Microsoft)
    mdtAccess Add-in Data (Microsoft)
    mdwAccess Workgroup Information (Microsoft)
    mdzAccess Wizard Template (Microsoft)
    mscMicrosoft Management Console Snap-in Control File (Microsoft)
    mshMicrosoft Shell
    msh1Microsoft Shell

    Microsoft Shell


    Microsoft Shell


    Microsoft Shell


    Microsoft Shell

    msiWindows Installer File (Microsoft)
    ms-one-stubMicrosoft OneNote stub
    mspWindows Installer Update
    mstWindows SDK Setup Transform Script
    ocxObject Linking and Embedding (OLE) Control Extension
    opsOffice Profile Settings File
    pcdVisual Test (Microsoft)
    pifWindows Program Information File (Microsoft)
    plPerl script
    plgDeveloper Studio Build Log
    prfWindows System File
    prgProgram File
    printerPrinter file
    psWindows PowerShell
    ps1Windows PowerShell
    ps1xmlWindows PowerShell
    ps2Windows PowerShell
    ps2xmlWindows PowerShell
    psc1Windows PowerShell
    psc2Windows PowerShell
    pstMS Exchange Address Book File, Outlook Personal Folder File (Microsoft)
    regRegistration entries
    scfWindows Explorer command file
    scrWindows Screen Saver
    sctWindows Script Component, Foxpro Screen (Microsoft)
    shbWindows Shortcut into a Document
    shsShell Scrap Object File
    shtmHTML file that contains server-side directives
    shtmlHTML file that contains server-side directives
    soapSimple Object Access Protocol file
    stmHTML file that contains server-side directives
    svcWindows Communication Foundation (WCF) service file
    sysReal mode device driver
    tmpTemporary File/Folder
    urlInternet Location
    vbVBScript File or Any Visual Basic Source
    vbeVBScript Encoded Script File
    vbsVBScript Script File, Visual Basic for Applications Script
    vbscriptVBScript Script File, Visual Basic for Applications Script
    vxdVirtual document exchange
    vscriptVBScript Script File, Visual Basic for Applications Script
    vsixVisual Studio Extension
    vsmacrosVisual Studio .NET Binary-based Macro Project (Microsoft)
    vswVisio Workspace File (Microsoft)
    wsWindows Script File
    wscWindows Script Component
    wsfWindows Script File
    wshWindows Script Host Settings File
    xamlxVisual Studio Workflow service file
    xnkExchange Public Folder Shortcut

kind regards
