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I am getting the error (below) sporadically when using the exchange mailbox service broker.  It generally tends to resolve itself in anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes...the longest has been like an hour.  K2 service account has full permissions to the affected mailbox...and ultimately this has always fixed itself without any intervention...just cuts into production.


Anyway, I've googled the error, and didn't get an understandable explanation.  Anyone have any idea what causes it, and even better, how to QUICKLY resolve it without having to just wait it out?  









I'm not sure if this might be the cause, but have you considered whether your Exchange has some sort of throttling policies that is stopping you from retrieving the emails? 

I have thought about that, and talked to our Exchange admins about it.  I was told by our Exchange admins that NO, K2 has not been throttled by exchange.  I'm still not 100% sure that's it or not....There was one evening after hours where I had to do some record maintenance in regard to Exchange email items and ran some looping procedures that probably sent 10,000 pings at Exchange in the span of a couple of hours and it did not throttle me.  During a work day, we're pinging exchange far less than that.  


Anyway, I'll keep that in my back pocket, but I don't think that's it.







Did you check the Event Viewer Application logs on your K2 server if there are any error entries being logged around the same time your process instances are returning this error?


No, I did not try that, but will next time.  K2 seriously needs to make that event viewer more accessible.  That seems to be often the go-to for any of these types of issues, but it always takes a bunch of research for me to even remember how to get into them.  :)  

To be honest, I don't look at Event Viewer much whenever there is an error. Most K2 related errors should be logged in both the HostServer logs, and Event Viewer, so most of the time, I just look at the HostServer logs.


Event Viewer is useful when the error is not exactly caused by K2, such as .NET error. The next time you encounter this, try the Event Viewer logs on both your K2 server and Exchange server.
