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12:01:20","Error","DeploymentServer","30051","ItemNotFound","SourceCode.Runtime.Services.Forms","30051 The item '[urn:SourceCode/EnvironmentSettings/Fields]d88f1b8c-c48f-442b-95e5-92fd2ea6f15f' could not be found while describing the item 'urn:SourceCode/SmartForms'.


any guidance what could be the issue.

Hi PS_K2,


I am not exactly sure where this error might be coming from but there could be a rule that is missing in the Form on your Target environment. Please try to re-deploy the Form, and this time, select the “Use Existing...” option for the relevant dependencies and proceed with the deployment.



It appears to be looking for environment field with ID (d88f1b8c-c48f-442b-95e5-92fd2ea6f15f). Can you search the [Environment].[Field] table against this field ID.


FROM [K2_database_name].[Environment].[Field] where FieldID = 'd88f1b8c-c48f-442b-95e5-92fd2ea6f15f'



Thank you so much,


i solved the error:

installed cumilative updates which made smartforms show error with a red dot on rules. it was a missing object, i dragged drop object again on form and it worked out


we need to install the cumilative updates.

