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I am trying to deploy my package to our test server but I got the error below.


Post Deployment: Unable to register dependencies for SmartObject, ReadUserRoles.


For your guidance as I cannot deploy patches from my application.





Are you familiar with SmartObject Service Tester tool? (i.e. K2_installed_directoryBinSmartObject Service Tester.exe). 

Can you find the Service Instance associated with ReadUserRoles SmartObject in target environment? I would start by comparing the Service Instance in destination and source. Perhaps, the Service Object is missing some properties, or the account does not have right to publish this SmartObject. The error seems to indicate there are discrepancies of this SmartObject between Source and Target. 

If you can find this SmartObject in the target environment, then I suspect it might not fully work. I would make sure it can be executed. Are there any Red (X) indicators when expanding the SmartObject's methods? 


