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Hello everyone,


I have insalled Titillium Web into windows/fonts on the server hosting k2 Smartforms. I have also created a custom font loader for use with the styles tab for each control in visual studio and ran that against the sever. I have tested the font by opeining wordPad and verfied I can select Titllium Web and type with render showing correct font style.


I have created a custom them a swapped the Font selctor in THeme.css for the newly loaded font.


If try to use the font from within the control styles, the font revert to times new roman and if I try to apply my new custom theme it just renders as arial.


Can anyone tell what I am missing here?


Seems if the font loads via a windows session into word pad then there is no issue wihtt he installed font, just K2's ability to access it?


Checking permissions now.... 



Hi MrSafe,


Have a quick look at the following:



Creating a Custom Font Project


Hope this helps



Just a thought here, if you are using custom theme, you can refere your font name directly in the theme file to reflect everywhere
