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Hello All,


I have created a workflow in K2 studio. Workflow has 4 steps of approval. At 3rd step of approval, I have a condition that if manager selects 'Yes' from drop down, email should go to 4th step for approval. At 3rd step, if Manager selects 'No' from drop down, email should go back to 2nd step for review. The mail event will have different subject and body content based on the value selected from drop down ('Yes' or 'No')

I am using event notification setting of client event to send the email to manager. The client event also has other events as well.

I am looking for solution for email execution based on value selected from drop down.


you can make the dynamic content in email based on your selection . put a data lable or in data base and call the text , sujbect based on your action selection and your email will change accordingly. 

Thanks for your reply. I am new to K2. Can you please explain me how can I create dynamic content in email. I suppose datalable should be on form. Can you please explain this process how workflow will dynamically select email based on selection from drop down value?
