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Hi support team,

 i have already configured K2 server. When i install apps from K2 catalog, but i can't install app.

 i recieved error message :

 <Exception ExtendedDetail="T" Title="Error" Description="An exception has occurred.">
<Type Name="Type">System.Exception</Type><Message Name="Message">Table name not found: AppCatalog.App</Message>
<Source Name="Source">SourceCode.SmartObjects.ServiceBroker</Source><StackTrace Name="Stack Trace">
at SourceCode.SmartObjects.ServiceBroker.SmartObjectResult.GetTableName(String fromServiceResult, String executionBlockNo)
at SourceCode.SmartObjects.ServiceBroker.SmartObjectResult.BuildServiceSQL(ServiceJoinDetailsFrom serviceJoinDetailsFrom)
at SourceCode.SmartObjects.ServiceBroker.Broker.ExecuteSmartObject(BrokerPackage brokerpackage, Dac dac, Boolean createSmartobjectReturn, Boolean isSmartObjectJoin, DataTable bulkInputTable)
at SourceCode.SmartObjects.ServiceBroker.Broker.Execute(DacSettings dacSettings, Boolean isList, DataTable bulkInputTable)
at SourceCode.SmartObjects.Runtime.SmartObjectClientServer.ExecuteSmartObject(Bytey] brokerPackageAx, Broker broker, Boolean isList, DataTable bulkInsertTable)
at SourceCode.SmartObjects.Runtime.SmartObjectClientServer.&lt;&gt;c__DisplayClass16_0.&lt;ExecuteList&gt;b__1(IReliableDbTransaction tran)</StackTrace></Exception>



*personal details removed*





Thi error is typically occurred when the app installer can not reach K2. I would check if the K2 service account can reach the App Catalog url ( , please see KB. There could be potential proxies or firewall settings that prevent the communication to the K2 app catalog. Is the account part of K2 Security Administrators role?

You can also turn on full K2 hostserver logging. There might be potential warnings created that are not logged in the from the UI.

Set K2 server logging to 'verbose'

 Alter HostServerLogging.config file:

   <LogLocation Name="FileExtension" Active="True" LogLevel="Error" /> à  <LogLocation Name="FileExtension" Active="True" LogLevel="Debug" />


Lastly, I have also seen that the issue can happen when the sourcecode-appit-apptemplates certificate is not present on the K2 server. You can check the cert detail for more information.

Open PowerShell as K2 Service account

Type cd CERT: and hit Enter
Type Get-ChildItem -Path '2CB1DCFBBC6421B8DBBAFBD760C1F05F43646253' -recurse and hit Enter


There should be at least one record with Subject and Thumbprint detail, if nothing is returned. I would recommend logging a K2 support case.

Thank you for supporting. May be your site can be blocked by my proxy. I configured but still not working



I would try with a simple telnet command from k2 server (log in as K2 service account). If the connection couldn't establish, then it's something on the firewall or proxy that is blocking it.

-Open Command prompt as Administrator.

-nslookup and see if you can telnet to on port 443.
