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Hi there. 


My K2 solutions are onces that (until I get something better designed) use the Excel Import Service broker extensively. 


For those of you that also use it, can you help me confirm a few things that I have come to realize about the broker and/or add any of your best practices.



#1 - Column headers in the Excel must match EXACTLY to the column name in the Smart Object you're importing to....right?


#2 - You need to avoid certain special characters in your column headers such as : and - or those columns won't pull in, right?


#3 - When importing Date/Time columns, any blanks in your data source must be filled in (such as with 1/1/1999) or the broker will error out




For those of you code junkies out there...I am wondering how difficult it would be to alter the source code to have it pull in the data by column number instead of column seems as though that might make it work a bit easier and more consistently.  Thoughts?


Overall, the service broker is invaluable...but just quirky, and I worry once we go into production its quirks are going to cause unreliability issues.



Im using the broker as well. It works well when we use it with MS SQL tables but we have a need to use it in Oracle pre-12c whic requires a stored procedure to surface CRUD L functionality. It appears it cannot identify Smartobject columns when using this method. I would love to resolve this!
