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Hi all,


Ok, here's my scenario.


I've got a Form with associated (smartbox) smartobjects on our current v4.6.11 server.


I've used package and deployment to migrate the form +data across to my new v4.7 server and got it up and running.


Now i've made some changes to the form on the v4.7 server (not changing any smartobject stuff), so I want to now copy over any new DATA from the v4.6.11 server so that the data is uptodate on the v4.7 server.


So i've created another package on the v4.6.11 server which includes just the smartobjecta and data. I then went to deploy the data to the v4.7 server, but it says the Smartobjects already exist and to CREATE new Smartobjects.... Do i pick CREATE or UPDATE existing?


Which is the safest method, as well as the Smartobjects, it asks me if I want to CREATE or UPDATE the Data as well?


Which methosd will give me the newest data set without break any of the Form / Smartobjects associations....

Hi Sharpharp1,


Please can you provide a bit more information regarding the type of smartbox smartobject you are using.

What data source is the smartobject using SQL, Sharepoint  or standard smartbox?


If this is this is a sharepoint smartobject  please refrain from the update or create method using the P&D tool.

As per our support policy it states your source and target environments for sharepoint should be the same.


If this is a SQL or standard smartbox smartobject you can use the UPDATE selection.


Kind Regards,


Nicolaas Swart



Hi Nic,


We are mostly using Standard Smartbox data source for the forms.


Using the Deployment Tool, it automatically selected CREATE, changing it to UPDATE prompted a warning, but still let you do it.


What happens if you do a CREATE? Does it remove the old Smartobject and re-create it keeping all the Form references etc intact or not?

Is the GUID the same?


Here's how i want to do this, please tell me if i doing it right or wrong?


1) Copy entire project, including all forms, views and Standard Smartbox Smartobjects (including data) from Source server 4.6.11

2) Deploy everything to Destination server 4.7

3) Make the odd change to forms etc and tweeks to views

4) On Source server, Package up just the Standard Smartobjects (including data) - I do this to ensure i have the most current DATA

5) Deploy with UPDATE (not CREATE) on the Destination Server, so the only thing updated is the DATA.


On my dev server, I did step 5 with CREATE just to see what happens. It over-wrote the existing SMartobjects and created new DATA, overwriting any existing data.

Is this right?


Thanks, just need to know if my sequence is correct?

