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This is an update of the "process instance version migration utility" originally created by NeilM and subsequently modified by Jacob Behrnes and Steve H.
The version 3.0.4 contains the following changes:

-Check if Data Fields are compatible between the 2 versions before the migration. If a version is used in the filter, the drop down list of destination version is filtered on only the compatible one.
-Allow if all Data Fields are in the same order and same type but with new Data Fields before/after/between.
-When a Data Field issue is found, display the details of Data Field per version.
-Add check-box to check status of Data Fields during initial display of process instances.
-During migration, check Data Field status (Error or not) before and after if the check-box is ticked.
-You can use keyboard to tick the current selected process instance: Space button for tick check-box. Your selection can be in any columns.
-After select rows (very first small column) you can use the new button "Toggle Select" to Tick/Untick the corresponding rows.
-In the report, display the status of migration (not only error message).
-Update height and width of the main process instance table when the form is resized.
-Display the Original version number in the main table
-Adapt the width of the columns Status to fill all the free space.
-In the conf file: Ability to have a default environment setup
-Now it's possible to set default filter values in the config file like this:
       <DefaultProcess Status="Active" ItemLimit="50"/>
        <DefaultProcess ProcessName="K2ProjectMigrationTestProcessMig" Activity="DefaultActivity"  Version="23" Status="Active" ItemLimit="50"/>
       When ProcessName is setup a search will be done automatically
       <DefaultProcess ProcessName="K2ProjectMigrationTestProcessMig" Activity=""  Version="" Status="" ItemLimit="50"/>
-Fix issue if double click on a row (index out of range)
This version was tested with K2 4.6.11.
If you find any bugs, please let me know.
 Version 3.0.5 (September 2018):
This version has been tested with 4.6.11 and K2 Five.
-Add management of known issue with K2 Five: With new K2 Five designer, according our test, the migration work only if no Client Event action has been performed. No issue detected with K2 Studio.
  Display column "Number of client event" in the table: Only records with 0 client event will be migrated without error.
  Add check-box "Force the migration in spite of potential K2 Five issue detected" 
  Issue logged to K2 development team. For more information see comment of "*personal details removed*:30 PM".
  In all cases, this tool is not supported by K2 Support. If you want to use it, we strongly advise to do test on other environment before migration on production.
-Display the DisplayName of the Activity. If process instance is stopped, don't try to re-stop it.
-Change icon to green in order to avoid display issue  when windows task bar is black
-Add button "Open selected process instance details." 
Version 3.0.6 (May 2019):
-Don't display warning message since fix compatibility issue with K2 Five 5.2 FP27.
-Add Folio and Process instance id as filter
-Display a clearer error message when the database settings are not correct or ProcessInstanceVersionMigrator.exe.config is not found.
-Increase the width of Process name
-Fix issue about filter of version, status, activity and order by not took into account in some cases.
-Display in the windows title the version of the tool and the K2 version.
-For Datafield check: Fix issue if some version didn't have any Datafield (Variable)
Improve management of errors. Replace destination version column from a green color to a blue one and add in the header 'Current destination'.
Version (September 2019):
Fix issue of message display about compatibility even if we are in 5.2 Cumulative update.

Dear all,


In this tool, we can use the behavior "Go To Activity":  

Warning:  we have encountered a problem and are in discussion with the Project managers:

Following the use of the go to activity inside a Split/Merge the workflow stops at the “Merge” step next. Issue appears with Go To Activty from Management site with K2 Five new designer (Split and merge was not possible in K2 Studio). The issue appears too with Process Version Migration Utility.


At the same time, I asked to an impacted customer to create 2 K2 Ideas created in order to maximize the chances of having actions taken on this subject which can be blocking.


I therefore invite you to vote on these K2 ideas:

Fix issue: after go to activity, the workflow stop at the next merge step.

Add warning message in case of use of Go to activity from Management site to avoid important issue with split branches.


Best regards,



I've got a problem with this tool. It seems that i can't connect to the database server even after i matched the dbconnectionstring in the config file


it always gives error "Server is not configured for Windows Authentication".


I've removed the parts where it uses the windows authentication and replaced it so it uses SQL authentication (AFAIK i only need to disable integrated security and trusted connection so that it doesn't use the Windows Authentication)

Do you have any idea on how to solve this?



We have a workflow with the default Version 7.0 on Management and while I was trying to migrate some instance on Process Migrator I notice the Version of those instance on 7.0 is showing current version 9

Images below attached

Management Image (Management.PNG)

Process Migrator Image (Migrator.PNG)


Kindly assist with this


