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Below is a picture of my WorkFlow---Assign Flexi Task.  I have it set to say the following message:

Class Attendee is requesting to attend Item Display Name
on Training Dates
Do You Approve?


Here is a screen shot:




Why does the class Attendee name show SCRAMBLED in my email notice?

I'd like to know who is signing up for training with out having to pull up the form itself.


Here is what I get in my email:

the name shows up SCRAMBLED


Please help me correct this.



Here is the scrambled email I get124952_pastedImage_0.png

Looks like its pulling out the account name from AD and user profile services vs just the name of the person.  If your using a people picker you need to set up a value that is doing a userProfileLookup(domainusername, "PreferredName") in a calculation field then save that in a column or send it to your workflow somehow.

Another way is to do a Replace where it gets rid of the claims part. Which is the i:0#.w| and then just pull the rest and format the way you want.

Hope this helps you out.

thanks so much for your response!

I am brand new to Nintex, SharePoint and Workflow----so your response is very much over my head.

I understand your response for the most part and think your 2nd option would be the easiest option to tackle.

Can you provide all the STEPS on HOW to do a replace the "Claims Part"  and pull the rest in a name format?

Thanks in advance

What happens when you reference a name like that, is that it give you the underlying SharePoint "name" for the person.


To get around it, you can set a variable ClassAttendeeDisplayName and you set it to Class Attendee. Then just make sure that the return data type is set to Display Name




I have an action to set the Signing Officer display name so I can use it in an email later.



The action looks like this:






Then of course you'd use the new display name variable in your email.

Hope this helps.




And thanks so much for your response.

I am brand new to Nintex & SharePoint.

How do I go about setting an action set?----is that an out of the box workflow action?

If not, where would I find this action set in order to create the “Variable”???

Inger N. Spikner

Hi Jan,

I really appreciate your response.

I am brand new to SharePoint and Nintex and need more BASIC direction as to how to get started in order to follow your instructions.

Are you saying that I should create a new action set?

Or change the settings of an existing WorkFlow Action?

Where do I go to set the Signing Officer display name?

Inger N. Spikner

IT Business Unit Liaison

Hi Inger,

You do not have to create a whole "Action Set". You only need to insert a single action called Set Variable.


To create a new variable, go to Workflow Settings > Variables:


You would not be setting the name of the Signing officer, rather, for your need, you would create a variable called Class Attendee Display Name. Then in the Set Variable action, you would set the value of the new variable to the Display Name format of the Class Attendee field that you already have. (described in my previous response)

Further, please have a look at the tutorial documents. Nintex staff have made a great effort to create startup guides to get you going.


Hi Jan,

I did a search and found the “SET VARIABLE” Workflow action---Thank You!

I inserted it into my workflow, however, when I tried to configure the action set----my options are different from the ones in your pictures.

Please advise.

I have attached screen shots of what I see.

Inger N. Spikner


Should i drag the set variable action to my work flow?

When i do this----I don't get the options you listed.

What should I do now?

I really do think this is my answer, but some key steps are being left out that I think you are assuming that I know.

Unfortunately I don't know how to get to this screen.

Please help

Please make sure you create your Class Attendee Display Name variable first


Then drag the "Set variable" action onto the designer canvas.

Double click the new action and make sure the fields are set to the following values.


(a note, to get the Display Name, click on the ellipsis (3 dots) to the right of the field name and select the Display Name return type)

Now use the Class Attendee Display Name variable in your email.

Can you provide instructions on how to complete this task:

Please make sure you create your Class Attendee Display Name variable first

Inger Spikner

IT Business Unit Liaison

Direct: 901-537-7347

Fax: 901-537-8594


I have not worked with SharePoint very long.

Pictures are very helpful.

I don’t see the ellipses (the 3 dots)----I believe I am not getting the same screens as you are getting.

Inger Spikner

IT Business Unit Liaison

Direct: 901-537-7347

Fax: 901-537-8594


Should the variable that I set up be???:

Single line of text

Person or Group

Multiple lines of text



List Item ID


Action ID

Date and Time



Inger Spikner

IT Business Unit Liaison

Direct: 901-537-7347

Fax: 901-537-8594


The image above shows that the variable created in Single line of text.

Jan & Cassey,

Thanks so much!

Your directions worked like a charm.

I really appreciate the pictures and apologize for not knowing----I am learning as I develop.

One more thing,

I got the name to stop showing up scrambled, but how can I just do the FIRST name.

Currently, it lists the last name, first name as pictured below:

How can I get ONLY the FIRST name to show up as opposed to the last name, first name??

Inger Spikner

IT Business Unit Liaison

Direct: 901-537-7347

Fax: 901-537-8594


To do that, I would use a different approach.

The "Query User Profile" action is better suited for this. Drag it onto your canvas and configure.

Create a new variable - Attendee First Name.

In the User field, select the Class Attendee column.

Select the Properties to retrieve - First Name, then click the "Add" button.

Store it in your new variable.

You want to end up with something like I have below. The one thing that will differ is your credentials.

I've setup a Nintex constant to store the creds but you can enter whatever credentials are appropriate for your environment.


You could of course just use what you already have and use the Regular Expression action and split on the comma into a collection variable and then use the second value etc. That's more work though. The profile query is more straight forward and easier to read.

Again Inger Spikner​ the variable will be Single Line of Text.

I do not normally set the credentials in my query user profile but I suppose that is the way we have our farm configured.  Try it without first maybe?

I would also say you should definitely look to be handling the errors in query user profile under the error handling section.

"Store error occurred in" requires a variable of type yes/no and simply catches if an error happened in the query user profile.

"Store error text in" required a single line of text variable and catches the details of the error.
