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Claims Configuration errors after 4.6.9 upgrade


After the K2 4.6.9 upgrade I am getting errors in the SharePoint task list webpart:
Claim mapping configuration cannot be found for this claim. Claim information: Name='0_.w|sprnts022ws', Issuer='SharePoint', Original Issuer='SharePoint'. Please ensure that you have configured the K2 server as specified in K2 Help: Installation and Configuration > Configuration > SharePoint > Claims-based Authentication.

I had to do a repair after the upgrade because of some errors. All of the errors were corrected and I got a successful configuration.
I have gone through the claims setup instructions and have also compared it to my DEV environment and everything looks ok.



Issue was resolved by using the claim id: i:0_:w|DOMAINuserid instead of the K2:DOMAINuserid in the group owner of the create group event that was in the workflow.

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