Can I archive data from a list and clear a task form for next day use?

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Badge +16

Look at your run if action

when you add it to the canvas it puts a box round the design node (little white square) - that is the container.  The container holds the actions that will fire only when the run if condition equates to true.

what you've done is add a run if action and done nothing with it

all the actions below it will run regardless

Badge +8

Ok, so I get what you are saying. I put everything in the container. Didn't help. Everything is moving to the archive list just fine.


Badge +16

So did you change delete item to current item?

Badge +8


Badge +16

And it doesn't delete the item? You might need to attach exported workflow and your list settings for me to look at

Badge +8

Here you go!

Title  Single line of text
Source  Choice
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Date Audit Performed  Date and Time
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Error Description  Single line of text
Auto Correction Ex: Task Opened  Choice
Additional Correction Needed via Manager?  Choice
Correction Date  Date and Time
Additional Comments  Single line of text
Audit Type  Choice
Batch ID  Lookup
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Processor  Lookup
Manager  Lookup
MSP Processor  Lookup
MSP Manager  Lookup
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Remediation Validation Date  Date and Time
Comments  Multiple lines of text
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Date Audit Reviewed  Date and Time
Review Process Completed  Choice
Due Date  Date and Time
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Correction Comments  Multiple lines of text
Is Process Remediation Needed?  Choice
Defect 2  Single line of text
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Defect 4  Single line of text
Defect 5  Single line of text
Defect 6  Single line of text
Defect 7  Single line of text
Defect 8  Single line of text
Defect 9  Single line of text
Defect 10  Single line of text
Defect 11  Single line of text
Defect 12  Single line of text
Badge +16

OK so when you look at the workflow history does the action delete item get him (is it green)?  Does it error?

I already have my smaller version of your list, just going to do some testing on that.

Badge +8

Says completed. But I do get the below error in my email,


Badge +16

OK so I created a quick workflow that just creates an item in the archive list and deletes the current item.

Ran it manually and it worked.

Restored the item so that I could see the workflow history as below:


Here is the workflow.

Let me know if the action gets hit in your workflow history?

Also, will everyone have permissions to delete items from that list?

Badge +16

go to item context menu and choose view workflow history - will give you diagram of the workflow (under cancelled or errored) and will show you which steps it has hit.  I imagine it is erroring on the archive (even though it seems to be working) and isn't hitting the delete item action.

PS - you can help me now, how do I attach an .nwf file to this for you?

Badge +8

I'm sorry. I can't seem to find the item context menu. But I see my list doesn't have workflow status for that workflow. Oh and to add the nwf file to this thread, you need to choose the "use advanced editor" in the top right of this box. I did get your email.

Badge +16


Badge +8

I don't have the context option on this list for some reason.

Badge +16


replace xxx with list id and 2 with item id

Badge +8

I just had to use the linked item with menu. That was dumb of me. I don't see anything erroring out.


Badge +16

Ok just click the most recent one and you will see the display and you can see if the delete item action is executing

Badge +8


Badge +16

That's not the delete item action - I would say that's why the item is not deleting? Did you look at the workflow I sent?

Badge +8

Ok, super confused. I did just notice that too. The past due list is running the workflow from my main first list. My workflow I created for this list isn't running for this past due list.

Badge +16

Ah ok I know why!! You created this list with a template and with workflow it then ghosts it (so you can't see it to edit it) but it is there. Go to list settings, workflow settings and stop all instances of the workflow that shouldnt be on there.

So irritating when that happens!

Badge +8

CASSY! That worked perfectly!! Thanks you SO much!!

Badge +16

Wooooooooooooooooo we FINALLY got there!!
