Users with View permissions on a process can't View?

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I have a group of users who need to be able to view a process at any point in the process.  I thought I could accomplish this by granting those users the "View" permission on the process.  However when I do the following, I still get exceptions:

using (Connection wfConn = new Connection())



    ProcessInstance pi = wfConn.OpenProcessInstance(processId);


The exceptions I get are:

28018 K2:domainuser does not have permissions to open the process

This is an ASP.NET web application.  Impersonation is working correctly.  Is their some other way I should be getting at the process data to show these users?

7 replies

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I beleive your requirement is to show the viewflow of a workflow instance, if so "view" permission are sufficient. Why are you trying to open the instance? Have you tried to launch the viewflow using those group of users's login credentials

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No, that is not the requirement.  I need to be able to open a process and get to the process data to show it on an aspx web page.  Ordinarily I would do this by opening a work list item, however, this group of users may not have any actions in a process, but they still need visibility into the process.

Further, I do not believe your statement about view flow and permissions is accurate.  In my experience, anyone can access the SilverLight view flow, even if they don't have any permissions on a process.  However, that is a secondary point to this thread.

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Did you explicitly add the "user" to the process rights section? sometimes adding an AD group will not work because the group membership is resolved at regular intervals (default 8hrs). This is based on Identity Service

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Tried that as well, but no luck.

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double check if you have the right process instance id. may be the process has completed or in error state.

Does the code work executing as one of the destination user?



Just wondering if you managed to solve this problem.


I'm currently having the same issue. 

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The code used to open the process instance in this case requires one to have Admin permissions on the process as it also allows updating the datafield values and more (doing GoTo's for example). As such, giving all Admin permissions is typically not something I would recommend.


If you only intend to show data with no intended updates, I would go for the reporting SmartObjects. These allow one to view all the data whilst enforcing view permissions (and not Admin permissions). For example, the SmartObject called "Process Data" under the Workflow Reports --> Workflow General category allows just that, while just needing the process instance ID.
