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Approval of Editable List in bulk

  • 25 July 2014
  • 2 replies

Hello, please i need to action an editable list. The editable list has multiple rows of data that needs to be either Approved/Reworked.


How do I achieve this. I did an html code to create a checkbox for each row, is there a way of writing an HTML to approve the checked boxes and send for rework the unchecked.


2 replies

Badge +7

I would design it by creating a rework workflow and a approve workflow.  You then could create a rule that says if checkbox is checked, then start approval workflow.  If checkbox is unchecked, then start rework workflow.

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Hi Tade


This is as per design, List Views and Editable List Views cannot process all records at the same time, You unfortuanitly have to select and action one record at a time.


Kind Regards

