SmartObject Return mapping with XML Field

Badge +1



I have smartobject which return XML string using WCF Endpoints service broker.

I want to assign this to XML datafield.


When I am assigning that as the return mapping, I am getting error Schema Validation failed though the returning xml and Schema both are valid.


I am not sure if the return value mapping is really supported.





3 replies

Badge +9

Can you link a screen shot to this error you're recieving?  It would be really helpful wit cracking this nut.

Badge +1

Hi Austin,


 Thanks for taking this up and reply.


  I am attaching a screen shot of error,please find attached.


  Steps which I followed are :


 1. Created a smartobject which returns a xml string from custom wcf service using wcf endpoints.

 2.  I executed smartobject in tester utility copied the output xml to create schema.

 3.  Using VS2012 I created schema.

 4.  I validated both xml and schema successfully, both at local using validator tool and online validators also.

 5.  Created xml field in K2 Browser and selected the created schema file also generated sample xml.

 6.  Added a Smartobject event on activity and used service method of the smartobject created in step1 above. In return mapping I added XML field created in step 5

 7. Deployed the kprx and started new instance.


In workspace I got this error.





Badge +9

Can you link me the process kprx and the smart object that you built so I can test an idea? It appears as though the Smart Object is expecting an input file and you are sending an XML String.
