Error \Cannot connect to server\" in calling external web service Using Nintex workflow"

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Hello Everyone,

I am new to Nintex workflow. I am calling external web service from "Call web service" action in Nintex workflow.

Getting below error after clicking refresh.


This service is working from SOAPUI tool.

3 replies

Badge +11

Hi Prashant,

can you please show us the Webservice-URL you are calling? You can erase your server part but the end of the URL would be very intressting. Are other web services working from the workflow action?

You can also have look at the ULS log to see if SharePoint logs something useful or use Fiddler to inspect the network traffic in more detail.



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Hi Philipp,

I am trying to call remedy web service from "Call web service" action.

I checked in ULS logs and Filddler. But didnot get web service URL.

I got to know that reason. It may be because of firewall that is blocking external web service from WFE server(as WFE is behind firewall). Once exception is added it should work. I am waiting for this implementation happy.png


Hi ‌,

Please let me know if you were able to get it work using nintex, as i am stuck with same issue.


