SmartObject performance - Oracle

Badge +8

I am using the Dynamic Oracle service to connect. I have a table that contains approx. 12,000 records. When I run the getlist method for the smartobject it takes approx 2 minutes to return the results, running this same query in sqlplus it takes less than a second. I also have a filter set up on the smartobject but from what I can tell that is applied after the results are returned to the smartobject. Is there a way to make the smartobject more efficient?

5 replies

Badge +8

Just an update. In order to make this more efficient I moved away from using the Filter and used input parameters instead. The input paramters are applied to the query and will limit the return set instead of attempting to return all of the records and then filtering them on the K2 side.

Badge +13

How many seconds does the new approach take?

Badge +8

It's closer to 15-20 seconds now.

Badge +13

That's still pretty long.   How many records are you returning out of 12,000?    Over 5 seconds is too long.

Badge +1

It's closer to 15-20 seconds now.
