Escalation problem

  • 24 February 2006
  • 6 replies

Badge +3
Hi all, i have process
let's say after someone submit their leave request n will be go to Manager Approval, i want if after 24 hour the amnager dont approve or reject the work item, it will automatically go to HRD Approval.
I have made escalation to expired if more than 24 hour, and set the rule from Manager approval to HRD approval
if k2.Activity.Status=Expired.
The problem is after 24 hour, the process is completed, and the line rule from HRD approval to Manager Approval n Rejected activity are red.(both of them) I have attch the picture of my process.

Did i miss something

6 replies

Badge +11

Can you upload an image of your LineRule: k2.Activity.Status=Expired

Badge +3
here it is
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From the LineRule screenshot, you're NOT using K2.Activity.Status=Expired but K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.Datafields("Status").Value=Expired.

How many slots does your 'Finance Approval' Activity contain. How many Destination users on that Activity?

Badge +3
Dear ockert
thanks for ur reply, i have made in that line rule.K2.Activity.Status not.[{K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.DataFields("Sttaus").Value}]=Expired.

For adding information, i just ahve 1 destination rule and limit the number of slots=1.

DId i still miss something?

Best refards
Badge +11
Your LineRule should read:

All of K2.Activity.Status = Expired

instead of:

All Slots of K2.Activity.Status = Expired

All Slots comes into play when more than one slot is defined.

Hope this helps,
Badge +3
thanx ockert,

It works now

