Submitting a form and repopulating

  • 27 November 2018
  • 6 replies

Badge +2

Hi all, first time poster!

I have run into a few issues using Nintex but I am having a specific issue I am curious if anyone can help me with.

I have a form and I am using the Responsive Sharepoint version of Nintex.

For the sake of confidentiality I won't go into business details but lets play a hypothetical. 

Lets say I work for a car rental place.

I have a form that I want this information filled in:

Full Name:


Rental Date:

Return Date:

Number of passengers:

Type of Car:

Now, if I want to have a button that submits that information to the list but then returns the user to the form with all the information filled in, with the exception of the Number of passengers and Type of car, is that possible?

So, example.

Full Name: John Smith

Phone: 555-555-5555

Rental Date: 1/1/1999

Return Date: 1/5/1999

Number of passengers: 3

Type of Car: Little Red Corvette


(Click Submit and Continue) 

(Information is saved to the list)

(Page Refreshes and user see's this)

Full Name: John Smith

Phone: 555-555-5555

Rental Date: 1/1/1999

Return Date: 1/5/1999

Number of passengers: 

Type of Car: 



(User enters more information)

Full Name: John Smith

Phone: 555-555-5555

Rental Date: 1/1/1999

Return Date: 1/5/1999

Number of passengers: 5

Type of Car: Magic School Bus


(User hits submit)

(Returns them to the list)


(User hits submit and continue, and process starts from step 2 again.)

If anyone has any idea's or a link I missed in my research on the issue please let me know, thanks!

6 replies

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So, I tried adding a few things.

1.) I added 2 different actions to my buttons. Save & Submit now redirects to a url with a query string ?ad=NewItem and Submit redirects them to the list. - The idea here is that I would/could find a way to run a rule on each piece of the form to check for the query string in the URL and if its valid then display the previous value.

2.) I "Connected too" the Save and submit button to a column in the list called "AddItem" and it adds in AddItem to that column for that list item and the Submit button to a column in the list called "NewItem" and it adds in NewItem to that column for that list item. The idea being that if they click "AddItem" I can add a formula to check the last field and if its "AddItem" then display if its "NewItem" then don't display anything. The problem here is the rule forumla isn't working. I made a calculated value and used the formulas and the output works, but its like it isn't working inside the rules.


=lookup("ListName","ID",max(lookup("LIstName","Item Child Count","0","ID",true)),"AddItem") == AddItem

Set Value

=lookup("ListName","ID",max(lookup("LIstName","Item Child Count","0","ID",true)),"Phone")

When I do this in the calculated values I get these results:

=lookup("ListName","ID",max(lookup("LIstName","Item Child Count","0","ID",true)),"AddItem") 

Output is: AddItem

=lookup("ListName","ID",max(lookup("LIstName","Item Child Count","0","ID",true)),"Phone")

Output is: 555-555-5555

Anyone got any ideas?

Badge +2

So, I ran another test and if I do "Hide" as the action it works with 


=lookup("ListName","ID",max(lookup("LIstName","Item Child Count","0","ID",true)),"AddItem")="AddItem"


But when I do: 


=lookup("ListName","ID",max(lookup("LIstName","Item Child Count","0","ID",true)),"AddItem")="AddItem"

Set Value

=lookup("ListName","ID",max(lookup("LIstName","Item Child Count","0","ID",true)),"Phone")

It doesn't work, its like setting the value to run the lookup isn't working. However, when I run a calculated value of =lookup("ListName","ID",max(lookup("LIstName","Item Child Count","0","ID",true)),"Phone") it outputs correctly in the calculated value form item...Im so close, I can feel it.

Badge +2

Its a single line text field...Nothing works in there, not even static text when I use the "Set Value" option.

I think thats a bug?

Badge +9

Do you want user who is entering the information to see this right away or send notification to other users?

Badge +2

Ideally they would see it right away. I did research this internally with our staff and it looks like it might be a feature that was disabled on our end on purpose.

I am waiting for further confirmation so this may not be a bug, but I'd like to not mark this as resolved until I can confirm.

Badge +11

Actually, you can create a new View where you show only relevant data.
Then in the Form settings, there is a Redirect option to say "redirect page to XY" and this would be another option.

Alternatively, you can set the new View as the default and whenever you submit the page refresh and shows the defaulted view with the relevant info.
