DestQueue properties

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What happens to these properties when called, when DestQueue contains an AD group?


2 replies

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Hi Peter,

The code supplied would only work when you have Single activity Instance turned on. What will happen is that the Group will be resolved as soon as the destinations(Users) gets added to the activity. So there are only Users are added to the ActivityInstanceDestination.DestQueue. Obviously your code will return the appropriate Properties for the first User. Managed user will return a KO.UserList.

When Single Activity Instance is not selected a ActivityInstance will be created for each User, therefore you will not be able to access it through the ActivityInstance.destQueue object but through the ActivityInstance.User Object.

If there are nested groups being usered you need to add "ResolveNestedGroups=True (note, please omit quotes when entering in Service Mgr) to the Data field on the User Manager tab of the server properties and then restart the K2 Server service

Was this what you wanted to know?
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I don't think I made this very clear in the previous post, sorry.
The k2.ActivityInstanceDestination.DestQueue object will never contain a Group. The Groups are resolved before it's added to the Queue.

